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Book Reviews

A good book is like an amazing mentor. It offers support and encouragement. It invites you to ask the hard questions. Discover some of my top picks.

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every nonprofits buried treasure

Every Nonprofit's Buried Treasure {Book Recommendation}

William Hautt’s new book offers a candid assessment of where nonprofits face vulnerabilities and have opportunities.

Mastering Mistake Making {Book Recommendation}

Mastering Mistake Making {Book Recommendation}

John Pearson’s new book is a highly engaging look at 25 of his most memorable mistakes and what he learned.

man thinking

Words Have Power

I'm trying hard to think before I speak, but I'm struggling. Please share your tips.

A picture of the book, Blue Like Jazz

Why I Love "Blue Like Jazz"

This book is filled with spot-on, nonreligious thoughts on Christian spirituality by Donald Miller.

SHOGUN by James Clavell

SHOGUN by James Clavell

A page turning look at cultures clashing and growing.

Travels with Charley in Search of America

Travels with Charley in Search of America

An intimate journey across America will envelop you in the dialects, smells and colors of the country.

Looking at the cover of East of Eden

East of Eden by John Steinbeck

In-depth character development and biblical themes make this Steinbeck classic an insightful read.

a photo of the book, Spiritual Leadership

A Helpful Read by J. Oswald Sanders

There are many books that can help you understand and grow into your authentic leadership self. My favorite all-time book on leadership is Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders. 

Small Cloud Rising

Small Cloud Rising by Dave Gibbons

I know Dave personally, and he is the real deal. His book won’t take you long to read (maybe two hours), but it is definitely worthwhile.

Lady reading: What to Say When You Talk to Yourself

What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter

The words we tell ourselves are just as important as the ones we speak to others.

Chasing David by René Schlaepfer

Discover the real David—and find courage and insight to face your own life's battles.

In the name of Jesus by Henri J.M. Nouwen

In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership by Henri Nouwen

I thought I had read everything that Henri Nouwen had written. Recently, I was given a copy of this small paperback book that I had never seen. It was written in 1989 and boy is it prophetic.