Personal Growth
Never stop feeding your soul and asking the hard questions. Get personal growth tips to help you keep growing.

Power and Wisdom
God gives us the power to live a life full of wisdom.

Use the Talking Stick
The practice of listening is so important it was used 412 times in the Bible, let alone all the other synonyms used to describe it.

Desperation or Destiny
When we stop living a life of desperation, we begin to glorify God — and we can joyfully use the talents He gave us for His purpose.

Thinking About the Current Events
Most of the time, I plan these posts in advance. But today, I encourage you to join me in some homework I've added off the cuff about the current events.

Get Engaged to Grow
If you want to learn anything and grow personally, you have to engage with what you are doing. Education has never been about getting through a class.

HOW to Make Changes
Most people have good intentions. Most people want to grow and develop their passions. Most people struggle to do so.

Follow Your Nose
Like a dog follows the scent, follow God’s lead daily and you will flourish, just as Eugene Peterson flourished.

How to Avoid Burnout
This season of life is filled with dramatic and very real challenges — in our local communities and throughout the world. Making these simple and intentional shifts to my daily life has been incredibly helpful.

Take the High Road
Discover how to set yourself up for success with two simple tips that can help you remain true to yourself — even when bad things happen.

Hospitality Serves the Giver & Receiver
Hospitality helps us strengthen relationships and form new bonds, even with those of differing beliefs.

Podcast Guest Appearances
Discover some of my favorite podcasts where I’ve recently been honored as a guest speaker.

Stop, Look, Listen, GO!
Waiting isn't common in our time of instant gratification, but it's so worth it. Stopping, looking, listening, and then going gives us the ability to discern what God really intends for us.