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Pray Without Ceasing

Thinking About the Current Events

Most of the time, I plan these posts in advance. But today, I encourage you to join me in some homework I've added off the cuff about the current events.

Blue sky and yellow field


Pray for Ukraine. Pray for a peaceful end to this tragedy. Pray that our government, and all the world leaders working to end this crisis, have the wisdom and clarity to act justly. Pray that God's will be done.

Pray for Putin. Pray that he realizes his folly and his troops get withdrawn from Ukraine. That might seem counterintuitive, but it's what Jesus calls us to do: to love and pray for everyone.

And finally, take a quiet moment to think about what this period in time means for our country. World events never happen in a vacuum, and it is important to reflect on how they affect us. State leaders have great power. Here in America, we have senate elections coming soon. And, it won't be long before 2024. I challenge you to think about your vote.

Don't vote Democrat or Republican because you're Democrat or Republican. Think for yourself. Choose the leaders that have the character and humility to do the right thing. Our democracy is a republic. Sometimes we get to vote on policy, but more often, we delegate our power to an elected official — giving our trust that they will make good decisions.

Everything I've tried to share about integrity, character, and leadership over the last 2+ years applies to all of us — including who we choose to be our political leaders.

And, Keep praying. 🇺🇦

Bob Lonac

About Bob Lonac

Today, friends call me a leader of leaders. But this wasn’t always the case.

During my life of working in faith-based, Christ-centered ministry, relationships have proved to be the common thread. My passion is helping other people grow through one-on-one mentoring and small group training. I love building teams. I love seeing people and organizations succeed. You can read more about my story and what I'm doing now.

I am still learning a lot and it would be fantastic to share this journey with you! If you haven’t yet, sign up for my email newsletter so we can stay connected.