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Leadership Month Roundup

Happy Thanksgiving!

A collection of helpful posts about the importance of being a leader and how to develop your leadership skills.

Bob and Kathleen Lonac

Thanksgiving is going to look a little different this year. Fewer people. More leftovers.

And while I, like many of you, will miss the large family gatherings — I hope you'll join me in taking this time to rejoice all the amazing things God has brought into our lives. This is a practice Kathleen and I try to do every day and it's helped me immensely.

This past month, we’ve been focused on leadership. We looked at the core characteristics of good leaders. And, we explored ways you can develop your own leadership skills. If you find yourself with some free time over the holiday weekend, peruse my most recent posts (listed below).

Many of the tips and recommendations are ones you can start using immediately. 

The Road to Character

Leadership 101: Why Suffering Produces Perseverance & Character

Be the leader who embraces challenges. Use them to build character and be the person God calls you to be.

coworking together

Leadership 102: The Importance of Finding & Spreading Peace

Perhaps you have never thought of these two ideas as connected, but I believe there is a considerable correlation between them.

Team working together

Leadership 103: Who’s Most Important

The best leaders count others more important than themselves, standing behind them and helping them reach their potential.

Team Meeting at work

Leadership 104: Who Do You Trust?

The best leaders know they don’t know everything. They learn from those who have greater experience than their own and instill trust in those who turn to them for help.

What to Read Next...

The Character Traits of Successful Leaders

I have a simple definition of leadership: A leader is a person others choose to follow voluntarily.

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A Helpful Read by J. Oswald Sanders

There are many books that can help you understand and grow into your authentic leadership self. My favorite all-time book on leadership is Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders. 

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Cultivate the Success of Others

Take the time to find other people who don’t have your gifts, but are better at different things. Spend your life cultivating their success. This is one of the great keys to leadership – cultivating the success of others!

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Bob Lonac

About Bob Lonac

Today, friends call me a leader of leaders. But this wasn’t always the case.

During my life of working in faith-based, Christ-centered ministry, relationships have proved to be the common thread. My passion is helping other people grow through one-on-one mentoring and small group training. I love building teams. I love seeing people and organizations succeed. You can read more about my story and what I'm doing now.

I am still learning a lot and it would be fantastic to share this journey with you! If you haven’t yet, sign up for my email newsletter so we can stay connected.